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      Habit Breaker for Children

      Habit Breakers

      Break free from habit patterns.

      Does your child suck their thumb, breathe through their mouth, or struggle with tongue thrusting? These seemingly harmless habits can have lasting consequences on their oral health and development. Our specialist pediatric dentists at Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers offer effective solutions, including oral habit appliances, to help your child break free from these patterns and achieve a healthier smile.

      Habit Breaker

      Types of Poor Habits
      in Children

      Oral habits are repetitive behaviors involving the mouth, tongue, lips, or cheeks. While some habits are common in young children and naturally fade with time, others can persist and lead to dental and orthodontic issues if not addressed.

      Habit Breaker

      How Oral Habits Affect Oral Health

      Malocclusion (Bad Bite)

      Prolonged thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing can affect the alignment of teeth and jaws, leading to overbites, underbites, or crossbites.

      Speech Problems

      Tongue thrusting can interfere with normal speech development, causing lisps or other articulation difficulties.

      Airway Obstruction

      Mouth breathing can disrupt proper airflow and contribute to sleep-disordered breathing, such as snoring or sleep apnea.

      Facial Development

      Oral habits can negatively impact facial growth and development, leading to changes in jaw shape and tooth position.

      Habit Breakers for Children

      Oral habit appliances work by creating a physical barrier or reminder that discourages the unwanted behavior. For example, a thumb sucking appliance may have a shield that prevents the thumb from reaching the palate, while a tongue crib can deter tongue thrusting.


      This preventive orthodontic treatment not only corrects crooked teeth but also addresses the root cause of mouth breathing, by promoting nasal breathing and proper oral posture.

      Finger Sucking Appliances

      These appliances have various designs, such as palatal cribs or tongue spikes, to discourage thumb or finger sucking.

      Tongue Thrusting Appliances

      These devices typically feature a smooth plastic or metal bar that sits behind the upper front teeth, reminding the tongue to stay in its proper position.

      Lip Bumpers

      These appliances gently push the lips away from the teeth, helping to correct lip sucking or biting habits.

      Bluegrass Appliances

      These fixed appliances address tongue thrusting and improve swallowing patterns.

      Our Pediatric Dentists

      Dr. Lana Shokini

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Jordan)

      Dr. Thereza El Haddad

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      Dr. Zafer Azizi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (France)

      Dr. Tahir Shahnawaz

      Consultant Pediatric Dentist (UK)

      Dr. Bahia Natour

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      Dr. Rita Soueidi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)