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      Laughing Gas Dubai

      Laughing Gas

      We know how to make you smile... and laugh.

      While most children are calm and comfortable in a pediatric dental office, we understand that dental visits can be scary for some children. A child may feel anxious before or during the treatment and require extra care to feel at ease.

      At Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers, we offer laughing gas - a safe and effective sedative commonly used to help our young patients relax during dental procedures. Our Specialist Pediatric Dentists are highly skilled and certified in administering laughing gas to ensure a gentle and positive dental visit for children.

      How does laughing gas work?

      Laughing gas is a type of conscious sedation that produces a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Administered through a mask that fits over your child's nose, your child simply breathes normally for the gas to take effect through the lungs.

      Benefits of Laughing Gas for Children

      Our Pediatric Dentists

      Dr. Lana Shokini

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Jordan)

      Dr. Thereza El Haddad

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      Dr. Zafer Azizi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (France)

      Dr. Tahir Shahnawaz

      Consultant Pediatric Dentist (UK)

      Dr. Bahia Natour

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      Dr. Rita Soueidi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      How do children feel when breathing laughing gas?

      Your child will smell a faint sweet scent and experience a sense of relaxation which may produce a feeling of giddiness or euphoria. Some of our patients describe feeling dreamy, giggly, or a tingling sensation in their arms and legs. Laughing gas can significantly reduce pain perception, making dental procedures more comfortable for children.

      Is laughing gas suitable for all children?

      Laughing gas is a safe and generally well-tolerated sedation option for children, but individual responses can vary. Each child is unique and requires a customized approach. It might not work for children with severe anxiety, nasal congestion, or discomfort wearing a nasal mask. Your pediatric dentist will assess your child's medical history, anxiety level, and dental needs to determine if laughing gas is appropriate for your child. If not, they can offer other sedation options tailored to your child's specific needs.