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      Scaling and Root Planing

      Scaling & Root Planing

      Reverse your gum disease problem.

      Gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease, is a common concern affecting lots of people worldwide. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine hygiene visits can reverse this condition.

      If not addressed, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. Initially, the gums will begin to pull away from the tooth root, forming a small "pocket" that expands over time. As the infection and inflammation penetrate deeper, the ligaments and tissues are broken down, leading to loosening and even tooth loss.

      The Scaling & Root Planing Procedure

      In cases of periodontitis, our periodontists will perform a scaling and root planing (SRP) procedure.

      The periodontist will scale below the gumline to remove plaque and other bacterial toxins from the periodontal pockets. Root planing smoothens the exposed root surfaces, making it more difficult for toxins and bacteria to stick to them.

      If necessary, you may be given antibiotics to eliminate any remaining bacteria and assist in healing.

      Your Appointment

      Scaling and root planing can be carried out in a single appointment, but in certain cases, we may recommend treating your mouth in quadrants (sections) to prioritize your comfort. Local anesthesia is used to ensure your appointments are pain-free.

      Most patients do not require further treatment following their scale and root planing. However, to maintain long-term gum health and prevent future problems, routine periodontal maintenance therapy is recommended.

      Our Periodontists in Dubai

      Dr. Ghadir Atout

      Specialist Periodontist & Implantologist (USA)

      Dr. Kaizad Kermani

      Specialist Periodontist & Implantologist (UK)

      Dr. Chantal Mehanna

      Specialist Periodontist (Brazil)

      Frequently Asked Questions

      A periodontist is the dental expert in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum diseases and the surgical placements of dental implants. They also perform cosmetic gum procedures such as gummy smile treatments and gum depigmentation. Periodontists (gum experts) receive at least three years of additional extensive training in these areas after dental school.

      Gingivitis is the earliest form of gum disease. Typically, there is very little or no pain at this stage. Common symptoms include red, swollen, or bleeding gums. Gingivitis is reversible through good oral care and professional dental cleaning.

      Left untreated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. Warning signs may include gums that pull away from the teeth, loose or separating teeth, and persistent bad breath. According to the World Health Organization, there are over 1 billion cases worldwide, with the main risk factors being poor oral hygiene and tobacco use.

      The bacteria in plaque produce toxins that irritate the gums, triggering an inflammatory response where our body essentially attacks its own tissues and the bone supporting the teeth, leading to breakdown and destruction.

      With periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets between them that can become infected. As the disease advances, these pockets deepen, resulting in further loss of gum tissue and bone. Eventually, teeth may loosen, require extraction, or fall out.

      Yes, there are four stages of periodontal disease. Periodontitis is often categorized by both stage and grade. Your periodontist will conduct a thorough assessment to determine the severity of your condition and the rate of disease progression, assigning a stage and grade accordingly.