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      Space Maintainers for Kids

      Space Maintainers

      Prevent future orthodontic issues.

      Losing baby teeth is a natural part of growing up, but premature loss can lead to complications in your child's developing smile. Space maintainers offer a simple and effective solution to prevent future orthodontic issues. At Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers, our pediatric dentists specialize in providing personalized care for your child's oral health, including the expert placement and management of space maintainers.

      What are space maintainers?

      Space maintainers are custom-made dental appliances designed to hold open the space created by a prematurely lost baby tooth. When a baby tooth falls out too early, the surrounding teeth may shift into the empty space, causing crowding or misalignment. Space maintainers act as placeholders, preserving the space for the permanent tooth to erupt properly.

      What causes early loss of teeth in children?

      Several factors can contribute to the premature loss of baby teeth in children, including:

      Why are space maintainers important?

      Maintaining proper spacing in your child's mouth is crucial for several reasons:

      Prevents crowding and misalignment

      By holding the space open, space maintainers prevent neighboring teeth from shifting, reducing the risk of future crowding and orthodontic problems.

      Promotes proper eruption of permanent Teeth

      Space maintainers guide the permanent teeth to erupt in their correct positions, ensuring a healthy and functional smile.

      Saves time and money

      By addressing potential orthodontic problems early on, space maintainers can save you time and money on future orthodontic treatments.

      Types of Space Maintainers

      Fixed Space Maintainers

      These appliances are cemented or bonded to the adjacent teeth and remain in the mouth until the permanent tooth erupts. They are typically used when multiple teeth are missing or for younger children who may not be able to wear a removable appliance.

      Removable Space Maintainers

      These appliances resemble partial dentures and can be easily removed for cleaning and eating. They are often used for older children or when a single tooth is missing.

      Our Pediatric Dentists

      Dr. Lana Shokini

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Jordan)

      Dr. Thereza El Haddad

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      Dr. Zafer Azizi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (France)

      Dr. Tahir Shahnawaz

      Consultant Pediatric Dentist (UK)

      Dr. Rita Soueidi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist (Lebanon)

      Dr. Sara Mohamed

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist

      Dr. Ghada Hussain

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist