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      Why are my teeth yellow even if I brush every day?

      You brush and floss regularly, yet your teeth still have a yellowish tinge. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. At Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers, we see patients who have come to us with concerns about tooth discoloration despite consistent oral hygiene.

      Today, let’s look into the factors that contribute to tooth yellowing, discover how you can prevent further discoloration, and explore ways to restore their original luster.

      Understanding Tooth Anatomy and Color

      The natural color of our teeth is determined by the interplay between our enamel and the underlying dentin layer. Our enamel, composed of tightly packed hydroxyapatite crystals, is naturally translucent, reflecting and refracting light.

      Despite being stronger than our bones, the enamel is susceptible to wear and tear. Since it lacks living cells, our bodies cannot repair chipped or cracked enamel. As it gradually wears down over time, more of the dentin's yellowish hue shows through, altering the overall color of our teeth.

      Additionally, other factors can accelerate tooth discoloration:

      Why is brushing alone may not be enough?

      While brushing is crucial for removing surface stains and plaque, it may not be enough to eliminate all discoloration, especially intrinsic stains that have penetrated the tooth enamel. Additionally, the abrasiveness of some toothpastes can contribute to enamel erosion, revealing more of the yellowish dentin underneath.

      How can you prevent further teeth discoloration?

      What dental treatments address tooth discoloration?

      Scale & Polish

      Professional cleaning not only removes plaque buildup, but it can also remove fresh surface stains that haven't yet penetrated deeply into your teeth.

      In-office Teeth Whitening

      This is one of the most effective ways to remove both extrinsic and intrinsic stains. We use professional-grade whitening agents and techniques to safely, effectively, and quickly brighten your smile. You will see noticeable results in just one appointment.

      Home Whitening

      Conveniently brighten your smile at home using custom-made trays and professional-strength whitening gel, as directed by your dentist or hygienist.

      Composite Bonding

      We will apply a tooth-colored resin directly to your teeth to mask discoloration and improve their shape. This is often done in a single appointment.

      Porcelain Veneers

      Thin, custom-made shells are placed over your teeth to conceal severe discoloration and improve their appearance. Porcelain veneers are resistant to staining and will last for many years with proper care.

      Replace Old, Discolored Fillings

      If you have older fillings that have become discolored or stained, your dentist can replace them with new, tooth-colored fillings that match your natural teeth and enhance your smile's overall aesthetics.

      If you're struggling with tooth discoloration, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation. We'll assess the cause of your tooth discoloration, discuss your options, and recommend the safest and most suitable treatment plan to help you achieve a radiant, healthy smile.

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