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      How do dentists treat receding gums?

      Gum recession occurs when your gum tissue pulls away from your teeth, exposing the underlying roots. This can lead to sensitivity, tooth decay, and even bone loss. Receding gums can significantly impact your oral health and aesthetics, and unfortunately, gum recession does not heal on its own.

      What are the signs and symptoms of gum recession?

      Gum recession can be subtle at first, but as it progresses, it becomes more noticeable.

      Dental Treatments for Receding Gums

      The best treatment for receding gums will depend on the severity of the condition and your individual needs. Here are treatment options available at Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers.

      How can you prevent gum recession?

      While treatment can address existing gum recession, prevention is key. Here are some tips to protect your gums:

      Recommended Readings