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      Early Childhood Caries: Is Your Child at Risk?

      Early childhood caries: Is your child at risk?

      Untreated tooth decay can cause children a lot of pain - a sight no parent wants to see. What causes tooth decay in children and how can we prevent it?
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      Benefits of Routine Oral Hygiene Appointments

      What are the benefits of routine oral hygiene appointments?

      Should we really visit our dental hygienists for routine dental cleaning when we brush our teeth regularly anyway? The short answer is yes.
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      Importance of Interceptive Orthodontics for Children

      Interceptive Orthodontics: Why is it important for children?

      There’s nothing more precious than seeing our children's happy smiles. What if a little guidance could help ensure those smiles grow strong for a lifetime?
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      Benefits of Dental Implants

      What are the benefits of dental implants?

      Missing teeth can affect the way we eat, speak, and smile. Find out how dental implants can help and discover its benefits over other tooth replacement options.
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      In Focus: Winners of Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers Fitness Challenge 2023

      In Focus: Winners of Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers Fitness Challenge 2023

      Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers Dubai Fitness Challenge. We are so proud of you.
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      Why should children see their dentists regularly?

      Why should children see their dentists regularly?

      Regular pediatric dentist visits detect kids' oral issues early, ensuring timely intervention for cavities, gum problems, and misaligned teeth.
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      3 Reasons Why You Should See Your Dentist and Hygienist Regularly

      3 reasons why you should see your dentist and hygienist regularly

      "Prevention is better than cure" may sound clichéd, but the wisdom it holds is as relevant today as ever, particularly when it comes to our oral health.
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      Understanding Dry Mouth During Breast Cancer Therapy

      Understanding dry mouth during breast cancer therapy

      Breast cancer affects millions worldwide. Understanding the impact of cancer treatment on your oral health is an essential part of your comprehensive care.
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